No. Your barcode includes leading-edge technology with fraud and counterfeit protection, so you won’t be able to use screenshots or printouts. When you arrive at the festival, use the Ticketmaster app or mobile website to locate your tickets. Your phone’s your ticket, which you’ll show to the ticket scanner, get your phone scanned - and you’re in. For further questions on your ticket order, please see here.
Can I still enter my event with a screenshot of my ticket?
Other articles in this section
- Ticket Policy
- Queens Local Ticket Discount
- When/How will I receive my ticket?
- What are the payment plan offerings and how are they used?
- Where can I buy tickets?
- What is the queue and how do I join?
- I have a question about my tickets
- Are there any discounts or promo codes for the festival?
- How many tickets can I buy? Is there a limit?
- How do I apply passcodes, discount codes and promo codes?